We live in a society which is completely dominated by paranoia, scaremongering, influence from organized religion, and extreme polarizing views from both the right and left. Many policies and laws created over hundreds of years haven't been adapted to the changing times, and people cling on to old and nostalgic documents like the United States Constitution as the ultimate moral and legal guide in the 21st century. It's not that the long history of democracy has not been served well by documents like this, but in the 21st century we have the advanced science and technology we have learned and developed over time to help us shape our society, but all too often the effort to make improvements is hijacked by people who hold extreme or religious views, and the democratic process makes it impossible to make any progress.
Nutopia breaks through all the absurdity of religion and extreme points of view based on the past or on paranoid views caused by looking at the world through its current lens of corruption, crime, a militarized police force, an overbearing government which tramples on our basic rights and privacy, and an elite few who control everything from our media to our elected officials. Nutopia is a world which makes sense, and is fair to all, and it looks out for the welfare of all people, animals, and the rest of the natural world we need to survive.
Nutopia's Core Principles are designed to shape a society based on the modern day not days of old which were guided by mythical messages from the supernatural such as "The 10 Commandments". It's what makes sense for people now and in the future, all people, that's what matters, not what a group of people say or claim they have been told, or what has been passed down the ages in scriptures and campfire stories from thousands of years ago.