Nutopia is intended for all people who want to work together in order to design and build a modern society based on common sense not ideology. Whether you are a climate change skeptic or a tree-hugging environmentalist, a progressive liberal, or a proud card-carrying Tea Party conservative, we want you to participate, because Nutopia is a place where we are designing a new world for the 21st century for the benefit of all people, and where we put aside our differences and look at the world of possibilities through a different lens. We recognize that it is simply futile to try and fix an entrenched and broken system, and an utterly flawed concept of never-ending economic growth, instead we look at how we can use our collective labor and the incredible technology we have created to properly manage our civilization.
It is inevitable that there will continue to be endless bickering and fighting over traditional issues such as welfare, climate change, immigration, food stamps, gun control, etc. in the current socioeconomic system which is simply broken. The powerful few who control everything want nothing more than to preserve the status quo, by controlling the media and their puppet politicians to have us believe that the other side is always to blame and that if we all just work hard then the American dream is within our reach. Capitalism will always foster a resentment between the "haves" and the "have nots" where those who have done well will criticize those who need help for being lazy or lack ambition, and those who are struggling will criticize those who have everything they need for having had a helping hand or having been born or raised in an environment where they are able to succeed.
If you look at the world through the lens of our current socioeconomic and political system, you are sure to have some strong views on public policies, the law, and the rights and responsibilities of people. But if you look at the world through a Nutopia lens where all people have the same as everyone else, and contribute to the community the same as everyone else, and everything is controlled by the Guardian System which is guided by the Core Principles instead of an overbearing, corrupt, and untrustworthy government, and where money and possessions don't exist to bring out the very worst in people such as greed and envy, then you can start to see how a much better world than the one we have now is possible.
The Nutopia Project allows us to build a better system in isolation away from those who are threatened by, and will fight against, an alternative way of living for the benefit of all. But there will also be many ordinary people who will want to cling on to the "freedoms" they have been brainwashed by the government and the media into thinking trump everything in life. The right to bear arms regardless of the mounting casualties in a society where guns are plentiful and controls are minimal; the right to privacy regardless of what crimes are being perpetrated; the right to overindulge on food, alcohol, and tobacco regardless of the health problems caused and the overall cost of caring for an obese, unhealthy, and diseased population; the right to consume and discard anything and everything regardless of the destruction of the environment and the elimination of biodiversity in the natural world; the right to procreate with no limits regardless of our collective impact on our crowded planet with its finite resources.
These types of "freedoms" might seem important in a paranoid world where our sordid past has taught us to mistrust our government and each other, and to make sure that we do absolutely everything we can to protect and preserve ourselves and our families even at the expense of others now and in the future, but in Nutopia there is no overbearing government and everyone has the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. The Guardian System ensures that everyone is playing by the rules, there are simply no loopholes to exploit other people, or game the system, or gain advantage over others. The rules are clearly defined and must be accepted by all who enter Nutopia, but they are designed to give everyone a happy and fulfilling life without hardship, allow people to have purpose with their modest contribution of labor for the community as a whole, while all the time making sure that we are living sustainably and that our impact on the Earth is neutral.