Please read this Susan
Aren’t you tired of reading and writing about any number of social issues, injustices, and downright atrocities all around the world and yet nothing changes? So many people for so long have tried to bring about change by commenting on the issues and hoping for some action, but rarely does anything significant ever happen as a result!
Our Nutopia Project is all about designing and building an alternative system to the broken and corrupt one we have today, and focusing all our efforts on the solution instead of the futile bickering with bigots and naysayers and trying to get the attention of the powerful few who want nothing more than to keep the status quo.
We have a vision (of course a naïve one to many who can’t or refuse to see the world other than through the lens of today) for a better life for all people, and we are attempting to mobilize the global population, many of whom are disaffected, poor, or persecuted people living a nightmare in the crazy and unfair world we live in today, and to channel their collective effort to bring about real and lasting change.
Please take a look around our web site to get a sense for what we are trying to do. We have only just started and we may all be dreamers or crackpots with pipedreams, but maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something to truly change the system before it is too late for us, our children, and our planet.
Please contact us or email us if you would like to hear more about how you can help.
Thank you for your time!

Why do we need Nutopia?

When you look at the world around us, you might marvel at the incredible achievements we have made in such a short amount of time, and wonder why we would possibly want to change from our world of plenty where we can seemingly all get whatever we want whenever we want. The problem is that we are massively accelerating our consumption of everything we can get our hands on, and we are pushing the limits of everything that we need to survive. It is like a perfect storm of natural resource depletion, accelerating climate change, water scarcity, rising population, and there is only one way it can all end if we don't change. It's probably hard for you to imagine as you look out of your home in perhaps a quiet neighborhood with peace and tranquility around you, or in a city filled with modern buildings and stores filled with every conceivable product imaginable, that one day soon it is inevitable that people will be fighting among themselves for the basic things they need to survive. What good is it for us to keep working on fantastic new advances in science and technology and building more and more amazing new products with our innovation and creativity, if the barbarians will soon be clambering at the gates trying to find food, water, and shelter?

Basically we are out of time and we have to stabilize our impact on the planet before making more advances or there will be nothing left for us, because our capitalist world today based on continual economic growth is unsustainable. It really is that simple, and whether you are a climate change skeptic, or someone who believes that humans will always find innovative new ways to solve our problems, we simply don't have time to see if gradual change through political compromise or technical innovation will come to our rescue.

It's not that admirable efforts aren't already being made by some government agencies, organizations, companies, groups, and individuals, to attempt to protect our environment and preserve natural resources, it's just that their collective actions are woefully inadequate to have any significant impact before a tipping point occurs. We have to change our entire system from one of economic growth to one of sustainability and the only way to do that is to demonstrate a model which gives people a better quality of life rather than a life of sacrifice. When people realize that there is a better way then more will want it.

Given the complexity and corruption of our capitalist world today, and the corporate power which will do anything to keep the status quo, it would take many decades for any significant change to occur within the current system and by then it will be far too late. The only viable solution is to build a model society now from the ground up to show people that it can be done and a new way of living is possible. Nutopia is a 21st century model designed for all people now and in the future to pave the way for a transition from the perilous path the human race is taking today to one that will serve us well for thousands of years to come.


Millions of people now know that something is drastically wrong with our society and the way we are living today. There is no shortage of web sites, documentaries, TV shows, and socially conscious groups of frustrated people, all valiantly trying to spread the word and bring the bad news to our attention. More and more we are seeing protests and marches all around the world as people desperately try to make others aware of our plight and the urgency of our situation. But with the exception of a few well-intentioned organizations like the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy and the Venus Project, it is hard to find any viable proposed solution to escape from our dire situation. This is because there are so many problems with our society, it is so entrenched, and gradually making small changes to such a behemoth of a system is absolutely futile. Nutopia offers a framework for a credible solution which can be built from the ground up using the collective power of ordinary people around the world all working towards a common goal.

Too good to be true?

We expect that there will be many people who will critique what we are doing and others still who are vehemently apposed to the principles of what Nutopia is. As we have pointed out, many of those people want nothing more than to keep the system the way it is now, and any criticism of capitalism will get them all riled up. Nutopia, as the name suggests, is a way for us all to imagine a world which fixes everything we know to be wrong with what we are doing now, and we are aiming to create as near perfect a world as we can, which of course will be difficult, but why should we not try? Nutopia can be built in isolation without disrupting the world we live in today or threatening those that hold it dear, and once we prove it to be worthy of consideration for a new way of living, then we can all start transitioning to it.

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