Please read this Susan
Aren’t you tired of reading and writing about any number of social issues, injustices, and downright atrocities all around the world and yet nothing changes? So many people for so long have tried to bring about change by commenting on the issues and hoping for some action, but rarely does anything significant ever happen as a result!
Our Nutopia Project is all about designing and building an alternative system to the broken and corrupt one we have today, and focusing all our efforts on the solution instead of the futile bickering with bigots and naysayers and trying to get the attention of the powerful few who want nothing more than to keep the status quo.
We have a vision (of course a naïve one to many who can’t or refuse to see the world other than through the lens of today) for a better life for all people, and we are attempting to mobilize the global population, many of whom are disaffected, poor, or persecuted people living a nightmare in the crazy and unfair world we live in today, and to channel their collective effort to bring about real and lasting change.
Please take a look around our web site to get a sense for what we are trying to do. We have only just started and we may all be dreamers or crackpots with pipedreams, but maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something to truly change the system before it is too late for us, our children, and our planet.
Please contact us or email us if you would like to hear more about how you can help.
Thank you for your time!

Imagine a world…

  • Where the population of humans on Earth has stabilized.

  • Where every citizen of the world has their basic needs met for food, water, shelter, education, and healthcare, and things like poverty, malnutrition and unclean water are things of the past.

  • Where incidents of violent crime and conflict are rare because people are living happy and productive lives, and they don't worry about how they are going to feed themselves and their families, or what they will do if they get sick, or they lose their job, or how they will survive when they get old.

  • Where people of the world have accepted that all people are free to practice or not practice a religion, but society and rule of law is not based on any religion or other belief system.

  • Where most diseases have been eradicated to finally end the pain and mass suffering of millions of people.

  • Where persecution, genocide, and war are distant memories as impoverished nations, regions, and communities no longer exist to cause tensions between disaffected people.

  • Where people accept their responsibility to work as needed to provide for themselves, their families, their communities, and the common good. There are fewer jobs to produce "stuff", and more jobs to provide services for people to improve their lives. If there is work to be done then people work, if people are not working then they are enjoying leisure pursuits or learning new skills for work that will be needed in the future.

  • Where all people have free access to education to improve their skills and to increase their knowledge.

  • Where citizens are encouraged to use their talents to do vital research instead of saddling them with student debt for the rest of their lives to set them up with worthless and unrewarding careers that do nothing to improve the lives of people.

  • Where there are no deficits or debts or financial burdens for future generations to deal with.

  • Where people are happier now by enjoying life instead of accumulating possessions. People have finally figured out that free time to spend with friends and family, and spending time on leisure activities is what makes them happier, not the "stuff" that they own.

  • Where there are no financial institutions, no commercial banks, no credit unions, no stock brokerage firms, no insurance companies, no building societies, and no finance companies.

  • Where people work much less and live more and have stress-free lives. In the past individuals and families found themselves working longer hours, with less time for their kids, and to spend time enjoying recreational activities.

  • Where all people have free access to healthcare if they get sick or injured. All people have regular Health Checkups which dramatically reduces the overall healthcare resources needed because of prevention of health problems.

  • Where people aren't fearful of surviving in old age because their basic needs are always met.

  • Where human activity has a neutral effect on the environment so that the biosphere can support human life on Earth indefinitely.

  • Where the human race respects Mother Nature and all other species in the natural world. Every human activity is carefully considered to minimize the negative effect on the environment.

  • Where people consume animal food responsibly and with respect, and animal farming practices which cause pain and suffering is a thing of the past. All animals reared for food are done so in natural environments to ensure good quality of life, and end-of-life practices are humane with minimal suffering.

  • Where there are no firearm weapons or explosives anywhere in society.

  • Where detention centers are small because of dramatically reduced crime, and conditions there are such that residents are comfortable and fairly treated, but are properly rehabilitated and trained for reintroduction back in to the community wherever possible.

This is not a Utopian pipe dream world, this is a world that is within our reach. People have to understand that their own lives will be improved if the lives of others are too, and Nutopia is a model designed to make it a reality.

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