Please read this Susan
Aren’t you tired of reading and writing about any number of social issues, injustices, and downright atrocities all around the world and yet nothing changes? So many people for so long have tried to bring about change by commenting on the issues and hoping for some action, but rarely does anything significant ever happen as a result!
Our Nutopia Project is all about designing and building an alternative system to the broken and corrupt one we have today, and focusing all our efforts on the solution instead of the futile bickering with bigots and naysayers and trying to get the attention of the powerful few who want nothing more than to keep the status quo.
We have a vision (of course a naïve one to many who can’t or refuse to see the world other than through the lens of today) for a better life for all people, and we are attempting to mobilize the global population, many of whom are disaffected, poor, or persecuted people living a nightmare in the crazy and unfair world we live in today, and to channel their collective effort to bring about real and lasting change.
Please take a look around our web site to get a sense for what we are trying to do. We have only just started and we may all be dreamers or crackpots with pipedreams, but maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something to truly change the system before it is too late for us, our children, and our planet.
Please contact us or email us if you would like to hear more about how you can help.
Thank you for your time!

The Democracy Paradox

Firstly, credit where credit is due, in our long and turbulent history, democracy has surely shown itself to be the best system of government where power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. For sure, it has many flaws, and many democracies essentially fail because corruption and greed become such dominant forces. But even the best examples of democratic societies have a fundamental flaw, which is that even the most uneducated, misinformed, unknowledgeable, and gullible individuals are allowed to cast their vote and bring about change. On the one hand you could argue that it doesn’t matter, because the important thing is that every citizen should be allowed to have “their say” because that is the very point of the democratic system, “one man, one vote”. Unfortunately letting people who don't truly understand the facts about an issue can have a damaging and sometime catastrophic effect.

If you were stranded on a deserted island with other people and you knew that the native plant life was a mixture of safe and nutritious plant food and deadly poisonous plants, and that the group of people consisted of a pilot, a salesman, a carpenter, a customer service rep, and a botanist, would you put it to a democratic vote to see which plants you should all eat or would you be guided by the botanist? Everyone would have an opinion on each plant, based on its color, location, size, and whether other animals are eating it, but would you risk your life based on a decision made democratically by everyone in the group? Obviously when decisions start being made by the one or the few instead of by the majority, then corruption and abuse of power are usually inevitable. One could imagine with our desert island example that the botanist might start making demands of the others in exchange for his continued advice on what plants should be used or avoided for food.

In Nutopia everyone gets to vote on various issues in the community but a prerequisite for casting a vote is that they are “informed” about the issue. This ensures that votes are only from people who properly understand an issue based on the facts instead of what they hard heard, what a friend told them, a rumor they heard at work, or any other misinformation. A simple factual test on the issue at hand is taken by each citizen before they can make their vote. The information about the issue that is presented to the voters is carefully reviewed by a panel to ensure that it is entirely truthful and factual and is free from any bias.

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